Time is an illusion
There are only some things on the surface and some underneath.
Nothing changes
There are only some things that are clearly visible and some hidden behind
Thoughts are not linear
It is a circle made up opinions that shade off into each other
Nothing is undisputedly right
A glass is always half full and half empty at the same time
Beliefs are not cognisable
Sometimes you don’t even remember what you believe in
Reality curbs the dreams
The fear of uncertainty bridges planning every second
Anything existing cannot get lost
Insecurity always hides its enemies inside
Emotions are not plural in nature
There is only pain and non-existence of pain
It's not just water flowing down the cheeks
When a man cries, tears are squeezed out from his heart
Spoken words do not fly away nor written ones remain
Words ring out in ears forever
If you look but do not see;
Look at things to see
Words come out of a mouth only once
But they hurt thousand times
Memories never fade away
You just don’t want to remember
It is you
Whatever happens, the reason for your grief
It is you
the enemy
the friend
the lover
the good
the bad
and the ugly
The breath goes in and finally out;
Life goes on but you never realise that you’re living.