
Mart, 2022 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor


always detect and define what are the exact reasons for a process you've been going through; the cornerstones of your process, and the results achieved - by linking each of them to a specific reason, in other terms, drawing a causality relationship on a timeline.  never speak of these reasons but rather mention your cornerstones to excite others. this way, they will feel a similarity between your challenges and their own lives while at the same time, it will sincerely create a live impression of your process having been lived thoroughly. so they will connect. shed light on your results, especially successful ones, but never overlook your failures because these are the ones that truly define you. successful results awake hopes. listening to someone else going through a similar challenge in life and overcoming it sows hope and unconscious inner belief of people in themselves.  in the end, they will be doing whatever you ask for them to do or pay in order to exploit your reasons ...